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September 07, 2019

Azure Data Factory - For Each Activity

"ForEach" activity in Azure Data Factory is used to loop thru each row of the input and perform the actions based on the data.

Following screenshot shows two activities one is GetMetaData and second one is ForEach loop. The output of the GetMetaData is passed to the ForEach activity in the Settings. If the checkbox for "Sequential" is selected all the activities are performed in sequence for all the child items. If parallel execution is needed we need to un-check "Sequential".

"ForEach" activity can be used to an output of Lookup activity as well.

You can perform multiple activities for each row of data received for the input of ForEach activity. You can add all the activities by going to Activities and Edit Activities.

Limitations and workarounds

Here are some limitations of the ForEach activity and suggested workarounds.

Limitation Workaround
You can't nest a ForEach loop inside another ForEach loop (or an Until loop). Design a two-level pipeline where the outer pipeline with the outer ForEach loop iterates over an inner pipeline with the nested loop.
The ForEach activity has a maximum batchCount of 50 for parallel processing, and a maximum of 100,000 items. Design a two-level pipeline where the outer pipeline with the ForEach activity iterates over an inner pipeline.

For more information, please check the documentation at

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