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December 22, 2011

Adventure Work Sample Database download for Sql Server

You can download AdventureWork database from the following link.

December 20, 2011

SilverLight Promlems and solutions

Q1. Disgner window displays the following error message without displaying silverlight GUI

Value cannot be null.Parameter name: parentContext

ANS. Restart the VisualStudio and reload the project.

August 30, 2011

How to generate comma seprated values from rows of data in Sql Server

/*Before converting to comma separated values*/
FROM SYS.databases
order by name

/*Declare a variable to store the comma separated value*/
SELECT @NameString =''

/*Convert the Rows to Comma Separated values*/
SELECT @NameString = @NameString + ISNULL(NAME,'')+', '
FROM SYS.databases
order by name

/* Remove the comma at the end of the value*/
SELECT @NameString = LEFT(@NameString,LEN(@NameString)-1)

/*Display the Comma seprated values*/
SELECT @NameString AS Name

Second Method

/*Before converting to comma separated values*/
FROM SYS.databases
order by name

/*Declare a variable to store the comma separated value*/

/*Convert the Rows to Comma Separated values using COALESCE function*/
SELECT @NameString = COALESCE(@NameString + ', ','') + Name
FROM SYS.databases
order by name

/*Display the Comma separated values*/
SELECT @NameString AS Name

May 05, 2011

How to generate SQL (INSERT) Script for existing data in MS SQL Server

• Select the Database in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
• Right Click on the Database
• Select Tasks then Generate Scripts
• In “Generate and Publish Scripts” wizard
• Select the required tables
• In “set Scripting Options” window select “Advanced
• Under General tab
o Types of data to script Select the value as “Data Only