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January 09, 2019

PowerShell: How to rename multiple files in a folder at the same time

To rename single file you can manually edit the file names. If there are multiple files you want to change the name of the file or part of the file name, it is easy to rename the file in PowerShell.

You can use rename-item with -Replace option like below. To replace ".StoredProcedure" in all the files present in the current directory with "_", you can use the following syntax

   dir | rename-item -NewName {$ -replace ".StoredProcedure","_"}

For complete syntax and other examples visit the site at rename-item

January 04, 2019

SQL SERVER: How to refresh local cache in SQL Server Management Studio

When working on SQL Server Management Studio, when any new tables are created or columns are added, the local cache is not refreshed immediately and display as error for the new objects or columns in the Query Window. To avoid this we need to update local cache of SSMS.

If you need to refresh the local cache of SSMS you can use two methods

First Method:
       Press the following combination of keys on your keyboard by selecting SSMS

CTRL + Shift + R

Second Method:
    Select the Query window in SSMS
    In the Edit Menu
          Go to IntelliSense
          Press on Refresh Local Cache