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January 28, 2010

Checking for invalid file name and filepath

Following method verifies the given file name for invalid characters and returns the valid filename.

/// Verifies if invalid character is present in the filename
/// If invalid character is present it replaces with replace character.

/// fileName to validated
/// replace character for invalid character
/// valid filename
public static string ModifyInvalidFileName(string fileName, string replaceChar)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
return fileName;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(replaceChar))
replaceChar = "";
string strFileName = fileName;
char[] invalidFileNameChars = System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars();
int invalidPresent = strFileName.IndexOfAny(invalidFileNameChars);
if (invalidPresent > -1)
foreach (char invalidChar in invalidFileNameChars)
strFileName = strFileName.Replace(invalidChar.ToString(), replaceChar);
return strFileName;

We can use GetInvalidFileNameChars from System.IO namespace to identify all the invalid characters in the File Name. Check the following link for more details. If we use the built-in methods it will check for all the invalid characters and no need to identify each charcter by us.


To verify the invalid Path we can use the GetInvalidPathChars() method.


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